Avengers: Infinity War Dessert Cups #InfinityWar
We are counting down until the release of Avengers: Infinity War! April 27!! We are so excited, and can’t wait to see all the superheroes together especially the Guardians of the Galaxy. Who are you most excited for?
We love easy fun recipes that the whole family can be involved and we LOVE dessert time!! The other night we decided to make Avengers dessert cups for after dinner. They were so good, not too much sugar and easy to make. Everyone got to make there own “Avenger”.
Get all your ingredients together. Make pudding according to package; distribute it between four bowls and add food dyes. Red, Purple, Green and just plain vanilla. While your pudding is setting chop strawberries and crush oreos and pretzels. I just put them into bag and smash with my hand.
When ingredients are prepared, grab enough bowls or cups. Place your crunchy layer first(oreos or pretzels), then scoop in pudding, then add your berries and before serving top with whip cream.
You’re ready to enjoy! Feel free to mix it up or make whatever “character” you want. These are just a fun, tasty, not to sugary dessert you and your family can make, that’s a great way to celebrate the new AVENGERS movie.
Which team are you?
Captain America
Crushed pretzels, pudding, strawberries and blueberries topped with whip cream

crushed oreos, pudding, topped with whip cream
Iron Man
Crushed pretzels, pudding, strawberries topped with whip cream
Star Lord
crushed oreos, pudding, blueberries, topped with whip cream
Will you be celebrating the release of the new Avengers movie next week?
These would be so fun during our family movie night. Everyone can be really creative!
I love that you can personalize these desserts! My niece would love this.