Baby’s Third Month Update #Piper
Sorry this is a little late, better late than never. Another month has gone by and it’s almost Halloween, I’ll be sure to share Piper’s first Halloween pictures on here next month. If you can’t wait to see them, be sure to follow me on Instagram. She looks so cute in her costume ;) I don’t have any new stats for you this month as we are waiting for her 4 month checkup.
3 months
+ still isn’t a fan of the carseat, but it’s not as bad
+ loves to laugh at her brother and when being tickled
+ sings to “you are my sunshine”
+ rolls to her side
+ wears 6-9 month clothing
+ still loves her Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit, it’s truly magic
+ loves bath and shower time
+ fairly easy baby, except when she’s overly tired or hungry and you’re not quick enough then you’ll definitely hear from her
+ sleep schedule is pretty consistent; couple hour nap in the morning starts around 9-10am, short nap in the afternoon and bed around 7:30-8:30pm and usually sleeps until around 1am, up around 3:30am and then again 5:30-6am for the day
+ showing interest in foods, so we’ll probably start those next month