Baby’s Twelfth Month Update #Piper
Well the time is officially here our baby girl is one years old! I can’t even believe how fast this year has flown. She had a great time celebrating her first fourth of July; we stuffed our faces full of food, set off sparklers and watched the fireworks. She loved them! Then we celebrated little miss’ first birthday the next day, but we saved the big celebration for her birthday party. We could get our typical monthly photo on the furry rug, as someone won’t sit still long enough anymore. We’ve been enjoying summer with this sweet baby of ours and sad it is almost half over!
12 months now
Height: 29.5 in (58%)
Weight: 20lb 10.5oz (40%)
+ Two teeth now and one is just about to pop thru, she is loving the chunkier food
+ She is a good eater and haven’t found anything she doesn’t like
+ She loves ice cream, cake and cookies and will whine for bites
+ She can stand and cruise around furniture with no help but not yet walking
+ Words; Mom, Dad, Ya ya or bro for Mason, dog, Bertha, hi, night night
+ Signs all done and more
+ Waves bye, claps
+ Loves dancing, playing chase and anything with brother
+ 18 month clothing and a few 24 months
+ A sweetie most of the time but has been throwing more tantrums when told no and not getting her way
+ Had a very tough time after one year shots and teething
+ She had a great time at her 1st birthday party which was Alice in Wonderland themed
+ Went to her first circus, Venardos Circus and loved it
+ Points to things she wants
+ Miss independent and only wants to feed herself
I won’t be doing monthly updates but I’ll try around 15, 18 and then 24 months! Follow my Instagram for new photos and videos of Piper and I’ll do random updates there.