Baby’s Eleventh Month Update #Piper
My baby girl will be one in less than a month, can’t believe it. The past month her personality has really been showing and feel’s like she grew up over night. Been busy planning her party, Mason’s finishing up the last days of school and then it’s SUMMER! I’m really looking forward to summer this year as I won’t be pregnant or postpartum and we won’t have a newborn so we are definitely doing more. She’ll be walking in no time and Mason better be prepared to chase her around everywhere lol – having him crawl and chase her is her favorite thing lately.
Piper Mae
11 months
+ no teeth yet, but can’t wait for them because she loves chunkier foods
+ we definitely have to watch you eat as you like to shove all the food in your mouth
+ had ice cream for the first time this past month and gets so mad if she knows you’re eating it without her
+ cruising around the furniture now
+ loves to play chase with brother
+ can say mom, dad, dog, night night, hi, bera which is for bertha which she’ll yell it and hit her hand on something to call her, ma for mason
+ waves bye bye and hi
+ loves to dance and still in love with the song Ofelia by the Lumineers
+ 18 month clothing
+ claps
+ loves looking at herself in the mirror and doing facial expressions
+ starting to throw fits when not getting her way
+ a little sassy sometimes but most of the time a little sweetie