childhood anxiety

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  1. I am going to check out those vitamins. My son was diagnosed with anxiety this year and it’s been an emotional rollercoaster for everyone in our family.

    1. Sending you virtual hugs, I know how emotional it all is. Please feel free to email me if you ever need to chat. And definitely check out those vitamins, hopefully they will help him.

  2. What a great post! I have an anxiety disorder, and my son has a lot of fears (no diagnosis, but who knows what the future holds). Anyway, these are awesome suggestions! I’m totally going to look into the bed tent and the vitamins!

    Oh, and just a tip – I used to just take my son’s gummy vitamins. It said for kids 12 and up to take two at a time, so I did. I fall into the “up” part of 12 and up! LOL!

    1. Thank you for reading. Yes, definitely look into the tent and vitamins, hopefully they’ll work for you guys as well!
      Good idea, I’ll probably continue giving him the vitamins until he’s ready to multiple swallowing ones.

    1. No problem, thanks for reading. Let me know how the weighted blanket works for you. If you’re looking for a vitamin for yourself, they do have the CALM for adults it just doesn’t have nearly everything that’s in the children’s one.

  3. Great post – very comprehensive! And of course anything that de-stigmatizes something that affects millions of people is also good!

    We tried the tent and used it to good effect until it basically fell apart…

    Thanks and love,
    Full Spectrum Mama

    1. Thanks for reading! Yes, we love the tent and actually the zipper had just broke off, so far he hasn’t had any issue with it being stuck open, but he still has to have it on the bed every night.

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