25 Weeks #BumpDate
25 Weeks!
How far along? 25 weeks 1 day
Maternity clothes: For a while now, I am loving maternity dresses and looking forward to nicer weather! PNW rain you can go away now ;)
Stretch marks? No, but extremely dry skin
Sleep: Sleep has been a little worse the past few days, trying to get comfortable and bathroom breaks.
Best moment this week: Mason’s face lit up when he finally felt the baby move
Miss anything? The SUNSHINE, not really anything to do with pregnancy but I am so done with the gloomy winter weather and I need the sun.
Movement: Yes, we can feel it outside of the belly now
Food cravings: Waffles
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not right now
Gender: Girl ;)
Labor signs: None, thank God!
Symptoms: What symptoms don’t I have? Headaches occasionally, back pain and stomach pains, moody and irritable, starting to feel limited on what I can do throughout the day before I get exhausted.
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or moody most of the time: I’d say half and half lol
Looking forward to: My next Dr’s appointment is next week, glucose test and checking everything else iron, platelet count. Not necessarily “looking forward” to it but want to calm my worries. My platelet count was low at the beginning so hoping and praying it has went up or at least stayed where it was.
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