Disneyland 2015 – part 2
Our fun continues. Check out part 1 if you haven’t already.
Our next three days we chose to spend it at Disneyland, we liked more of the rides and it wasn’t as crowded. Our first day waiting on the rides to open we turned around and were standing right next to Andrew Bynum, way to make you feel short!! Our favorite rides were Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones and Splash Mountain. I loved that we had 4 days to explore the parks, it was really nice that we weren’t rushed to do anything. We could ride as many rides as we wanted as many times as we wanted, we could take a break throughout the day, which we did every day, on one day Mason and I took a 4 hour nap. Each day we probably walked a good 10 miles, we decided to walk from our hotel each day and not take a shuttle. Which I would do differently next time, there was a lot of whining at the end of the day :)
Writing these post is making me so sad, I miss it so much :( Lots of rides, good food, walking, happy moments, crabby tired moments, swimming, pool lounging. I will say I was very surprised we didn’t have more meltdowns with Mason, the only times we had issues was walking back to our hotel and honestly I don’t blame him, it was a lot of walking! He didn’t even throw a fit when he was told no to getting every souvenir he saw/wanted. He did very well!! We went to a character dinning at Goofy’s Kitchen, which was a total hit, I wasn’t expecting Mason to care but he definitely loved it. The food was surprisingly amazing for a buffet for kids and adults alike. We saw our last celebrity of the trip at LAX, Mindy Sterling. It was bitter sweet our trip was ending, we were all tired and needed to get back to our routines but then we were going to miss the feeling of no responsibilities! Good-bye happiest place on earth, you will be missed!
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