Are you thinking about raising chickens?
Have you thought about raising your own chickens? Here are some simple truths to consider before adding them to your backyard!
I’m seeing more, and more people talk about the price of eggs at the grocery store. With that, they are also talking about raising chickens. Or specifically, mentioning it’d be cheaper to raise your own chickens for eggs.
Let me start off by saying, I’m all for chickens, and other livestock. Just be realistic about it, and not misinformed! We’ve been raising them in our backyard for over three years now, and they are not cheaper, nor easier than just buying some eggs from the store.
Raising your own chickens is not cheaper than just buying eggs from the grocery store! Don’t be misinformed!
No, they won’t be able to live solely off your table scraps. Unless, you are literally throwing away so much table scraps. Then I really don’t understand your problem with the price of eggs?! Yes, you can feed your chickens most of your table scraps but it’s more of a supplement to their feed. They need protein to process eggs.
Even if you’ve got a lot of land for them to forage from, you’ll have to deal with the predator issue, and making sure they are getting enough protein.
How much will they cost us?
You’ll need to purchase, and build them a home. They’ll need a with nesting boxes, and roosting bars. A , or area with adequate spacing. Don’t forget straw, or something for the floor of the coop. They’ll need an area to get away from the weather – rain or shine! Don’t forget to make it predator proof, whether you live in town or the country. Sadly, there are a ton of chicken predators.
Then, you’ll need to purchase the chickens. If you’re buying them as chicks, then you’ll need all the brooder stuff(home, heat, ect).
Don’t forget about all their food, , ect. Containers to put the stuff in. My 14 chickens eat about 1 1/2 bags of feed a month – about $45 just for non-organic feed.
Lastly, don’t forget about chicken “care”, at some point they will need some kind of first aid type stuff. Bumble foot, egg bound, peaking wounds, chicken lice/mites, ect. Your chicken first aid “kit” can cost you quite a bit.
Besides how much they’ll cost you, there are other things to keep in mind.
You’ll need a plan for when you go away, even for a day. Shutting, and opening their coop, feeding, and water. You’ll have to have a plan for extreme weather conditions.
Don’t forget about their odor, waste and pest management. Noise! My hens can sometimes be louder then the rooster. They WILL clean out your plants, and gardens. If it’s in their reach they’ll eat all the plant, and scratch(dig) up the dirt.
Their egg production also slows down during the winter, so you may have to buy eggs from the store AND still feed your chickens.
Now that you’re aware of the truth about raising chickens.
While raising your own chickens isn’t less expensive than buying eggs at the store. You’ll have control over where your food is coming from, and how it’s treated before it makes its way to your table. There really is a problem with our food system, and we are all so out of tune with how our food is made.
Maybe you’re wanting to be more self-sufficient, and less dependant on the grocery store.
You’ll have easy access to fresh eggs. Learn how to preserve, and store your eggs for when they slow down production in winter, you’ll still have eggs.
They make great fertilizer, eat pesky bugs in your yard/garden, waste disposal of your kitchen, and garden scraps.
Or maybe you love chickens! My ladies are the best, I love all their personalities, they are living their best lives. They make us happy!!