Jump Start January with New Goals
Hope your New Year is off to a great start!
How do you feel about the changing of years? Is New Years Day just another day to you or is it a day you start off fresh with new goals and perspectives. New Year’s Resolutions are a huge part of January and sadly usually don’t make it past the month! Resolutions tend to be stressful. Instead think about the goals you want to accomplish for the year, what do you want to aim for.
The end of 2019 had me really thinking about how the year went and I’ll be honest the negatives far outweighed the positives. It was a very stressful and unhealthy year. The new year was very much welcomed in my life, I was ready for a fresh start. Positivity, Health and Wellness has been at my door for a while and I finally needed to let it in!
My family has so many health problems and I was starting to see problems myself; over this past year I’ve been experiencing acid reflux, mood changes and just a stressful unhappy feeling.
I’ve got to get my health under control and before I leave my 30’s. I need to find motivation to eat healthy, exercise regularly and be happy. I need to stop telling myself “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t have the energy”. I want to have energy, motivation, strength for not only myself, but for my children. I want to be a good role-model!
With this lifestyle change, I will also have reasonable expectations.
I won’t be going on a diet.
I won’t be counting calories or keeping track of my weight.
I will be eating a more plant based diet but I will also indulge from time to time – I want happiness and don’t believe in starving one self.
I will squeeze in more movement and exercise, get my heart rate up more often. I won’t beat myself up emotionally if I’m not able to squeeze it in that day.
This year has started off amazing and I’ve been able to squeeze in exercise almost daily. I’ve been learning yoga and gaining strength physically and emotionally. I’ve also pulled out the treadmill from “storage” and finally started jogging, it may be at a slow pace but I’m actually jogging AND for 10 minutes – might not sound like a big deal to you. But I’ve always HATED running and haven’t done it in probably over 15 years(not counting running after a child lol). I’m pretty proud of myself and proud that I’m not dreading working out.
I’m happy to also report that my children have started joining in, Piper is really been fond of the yoga sessions and the treadmill – which she gets to walk on while I’m stretching. And after our yoga session, she says “Mommastay” and it’s so cute!
I’m so ready to challenge myself this year! Earlier this month I happened upon this community on twitter and it was exactly what I needed this year, so I immediately joined. Everyone in the community seems so encouraging and supportive! My Peak Challenge is a global movement dedicated to educating and inspiring its members to live healthier, happier, and more balanced lives while raising funds to change lives, founded by Sam Heughan. Ya’ll know I’m all for empowering others and myself! Check out MPC if you’d like to join in, it officially starts February 3 but you can start anytime you’d like.
Looking forward to sharing more about my journey! And I hope you’ll think about joining me, leave me a comment if you’d like more information or just like to chat.
Even the kitty loves yoga :)