Best tips for Thrift Store Shopping
It amazes me the percentage of people who won’t shop thrift stores, how come? Thrift store shopping can be so much fun. And sure most of the clothing you find has been washed and worn, but the brand new clothing at the non-thrift store has been worn too, while others try it on. Finding “treasures” can be so thrilling, or the amazing feeling of saving your money and the environment! I’d say my most favorite Goodwill find would be a CHI hair straighter almost brand new for $5 and after 5 years it’s still going strong! What’s your favorite find?
Is it too overwhelming? I can understand that, I’ve been shopping thrift stores for many years so I’ve learned a thing or two but some days can still be very overwhelming. But every trip shouldn’t make your head explode ;)
I’d love to share my biggest advice and tips with you on how to get the most from your thrift store hunting. So, check out the list below.
- Find out when the SALE days are. Check out the sales page for Goodwill, either look online or when you’re in store look for which color tag is on sale. They also have special discounts(Sundays 10% student, Tuesdays 10% senior, Wednesdays 10% military). As for Value Village, in my area they have .99 cent Mondays where a certain color tag is on sale. On Tuesdays at VV Seniors can save 30%. Be sure to sign up for their Super Savings Clubs and receive up to 50% on select sale days! Goodwill and VV are just two local thrift stores to me.
- Shop the right days! If you’re looking for a more relaxed shopping experience you may want to skip on shopping the weekends and sale days. Also, doesn’t hurt to ask your store when they generally put out new donated items.
- Buy for next year’s season. This is a must thing I do after every season especially for the kids. All the seasonal stuff goes on sale. With children you have to guess what size they’ll be next year but I personally wouldn’t go overboard with shopping unless you’re a really good guess. As for adults if you dress with the trends just buy the staples for next year.
- Research and know the trends, before you go. That may be why some of you don’t buy clothing at the thrift store, worried that all the clothing may be outdated? You can find many pieces that are still in style and if it helps check out some of the style trends before you shop.
- While browsing look for certain colors. Some days when I hit up a store I go in with a plan so I don’t get overwhelmed and need a nap from the hours of browsing. Example; I’m looking for fall stuff and while I’m browsing the shirts I’ll only look for fall colors that I know I’ll wear.
- Not finding what you’re looking for in your section? Maybe check out other sections in your size, like you may find t-shirts or oversize sweaters in the men’s section.
- Thoroughly look over before buy. Make sure buttons aren’t missing, the zipper works, not huge holes – don’t forget to look in the armpit, stains, ect.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount if an item is damaged. Is there an item that you absolutely want but something is wrong with it, it doesn’t hurt to ask for a discount.
- Picture the item outside the thrift store. The lighting in most thrift stores isn’t the best, so imagine the item someplace else, like at home or at the park.
- Go in with a plan. You can easily get carried away thrift shopping so go in with a plan. Only buy what you love and absolutely cant live without, make a list before you go.
- Be creative and think outside the box. Some items can be reused many different ways, maybe there’s a cute pitcher or cup that is chipped why not use it as a planter?!
- Patience and hand sanitizer! Those are two “things” you need to have while shopping.
- Dress appropriately. Some thrift stores don’t have dressing rooms or maybe you just don’t feel comfortable using it. Don’t go in with layers because it may be hard to measure them up to you without trying them on.
- Check out wealthy communities. Especially if you love high end clothing.
- Donate and receive a coupon. This will save you even more, when you donate to the store they give you a coupon. So, bring a couple things to donate when you head to the store.
- Did you know you can shop thrift stores online? and are good places to start
- Thrift vs. Consignment. There is a difference; a thrift store is where folks donate any item to the store and proceeds usually go to fund non-profit organizations or charity. While consignment is for profit, folks sell there items to the shop but the shop is very picky about what they allow.
Will or do you thrift shop?